
Pagina epub checker
Pagina epub checker

pagina epub checker

In order to build the Linux JAR, the Mac App and the Windows EXE files you just have to run electron-installer-dmg ( Apache License v2.0).universalJavaApplicationStub ( MIT License).To build the EPUB-Checker app, we use the following tools and libraries (among other Maven tools): Apple Java Extensions 1.4 ( Apple License).EPUBCheck 4.2.6 ( 3-Clause BSD License).

pagina epub checker

We use the following Java libraries to build our GUI wrapper around EPUBCheck: Our app and code and all the java sources in de.paginagmbh.* are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.0 unless the code comments specify the contrary. You won't find any pre-build binaries here. Please visit our website to download the Windows EXE file, the Mac App or the Linux JAR.


Pagina EPUB-Checker doesn't need to be installed and therefore works on portable USB devices as well as on computers with restricted rights.

  • Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) (GUI only, english messages).
  • The generated EPUB file will be saved if it is valid.
  • Expanded folders are automatically zipped up to an EPUB file upon validation.
  • Ability to validate expanded (unzipped) EPUB's.
  • Pagina EPUB-Checker wraps up this tool and offers some additional features like: The test mechanisms of the EPUB-Checker are based on the official open-source EPUBCheck EPUB validator. With the pagina EPUB-Checker one can easily validate eBooks in the EPUB format. Standalone "EPUBCheck" application for Windows, macOS and Linux.

    Pagina epub checker